LOOKING for a project partner – international cooperation


Dear Award family

The Award in Slovenia is now being delivered in more than 40 schools (elementary and high school) for youngsters aged between 14 and 20.

Every year we face growing demand for international cooperation whithin the EMAS Award Family.

We have found out that for an Award Unit it is not so simple to find a partner interested for international cooperation.

Please find attached a description of one Award unit: France Prešeren Grammar shool (youngsters aged 15-19) and its project proposal.

Mrs. Romana, Award coordinator, would like to apply for an Erasmus grant (upcoming application deadline is 31 March).

In the case that an Award Unit would be intersted in cooperation, please do contact her on e-mail: romana.cemazar@gmail.com


Slo-Ireland Expedition 2009, foto: Rožle BregarOdprava Mauritius 2009, foto: Rožle Bregar